My LinkedIn profile image is art itself. I spent much of my life concerned with body image and how I am perceived. I understand that most of us can relate to those feelings. I keep things neat, but I like a larger beard and longer hair. I am often ridiculed for this preference. It took many years to be comfortable in my own skin. Whether I could literally hear it or if it was in my head, I felt the criticism.
I wanted to know if fitting into the community standard could truly make a difference. Therefore, I began the 2024/25 school year by removing "the distraction" from my face and head. "The distraction" was then collected and used as fluff inside the pillow. Pillows are comforting. The way I present myself is intentional. I like myself. I like the way I look when I look the way I want, and there is nothing unprofessional about my appearance when I do so. Keeping true to who I am is my comfort and that is important. It took a long time to feel this way. As a youngster, I was often reminded that each "odd" decision I made was just a phase, but I guess they were all wrong. Well, JNCOs were definitely a phase.