For as long as I can remember, when I am out walking, and stumble upon a nail or screw laying in the road, I pick it up and dispose of it. Recently, I decided to begin collecting them. These are the last 20 nails or screws that I have found. The unexpected flat tire due to someone else's neglect or lack of care, is never ideal. Some may be accidental, but most often, we know when we drop something. It is our responsibility to pick it up. My hope is that by sharing this action that I perform daily, others will join in, and our community can become a bit more kind.
These images are created on a flat bed scanner. It was my goal to show the variation and detail of each object. Some are shiny and new, and others are rusted and have accrued significant aging. I cleaned the scanner in between each capture, but allowed the dust to fall naturally, as our days are unpredictable and I found it important to embrace that quality.